Sympathy Flowers Bouquet
When words fail you, sometimes flowers can help express how you feel during the mourning period. Sending flowers is a kind and appropriate gesture to express your deepest condolences and respect for the deceased as well as their family.
During times of sadness, our elegant white-on-white Sympathy Flower Bouquet with blooms including reflexed roses, delphinium, chrysanthemums and seasonal foliage is here to show your condolence, bereavement and compassion.
Please note: Photo is a sample of a flower arrangement. Flowers are subject to seasonal availability. Stem count, packaging and container may vary. If particular flowers are unavailable, the florist will substitute them with a similar flower in the same shape, style and colour.
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Please note:
1. Deliveries are not available on Sundays and other days as announced.
2. Order by 1.00pm for same day delivery.
3. Order after 1.00pm ring us to confirm same day or next available delivery day.
4. Orders generally delivered in the afternoon.
5. We do not promise delivery by a requested time.
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