Ocean Blue
Introducing our "Ocean Blue" Gorgeous Dark Blue Roses Bouquet
Elegance meets allure in our "Ocean Blue" bouquet, a stunning arrangement that captures the essence of the deep blue sea. Comprising eight enchanting dark blue roses, this bouquet is a testament to the captivating beauty of nature. Each rose is a symbol of love and mystery and carefully selected to ensure its lustrous and velvety petals are at their peak.
This bouquet doesn't stop at roses; it's a masterpiece of floral art. White lisianthus are included and are reminiscent of ocean waves gently crashing on the shore. Providing a contrast, accentuating the vivid blue hues. The combination of dark blue roses and white lisianthus creates a beautiful visual harmony.
We take pride in the presentation of this bouquet. Beautifully wrapped and matching the rich colour scheme. Whether you're gifting it to a friend, a colleague, or a special love interest, "Ocean Blue" conveys style and panache.
It's more than just a bouquet; it's an expression of deep care and appreciation. The recipient will be left in awe of its beauty and the thoughtful sentiment behind it.
Say it with "Ocean Blue" and let this bouquet be a symbol of your love, a token of your appreciation, and a celebration of the finer things in life. Order now and make a lasting impression with this captivating masterpiece.
Gorgeous and fashionable 8 Dark Blue Roses bouquet in beautiful wrapping. Matched with white lisianthus and oozing style and panache, this bouquet is sure to impress the most discerning friend, colleague or love interest.
Flowers are subject to seasonal availability. If any of the flowers are unavailable, the florist will use a similar flower. Stem count, packaging, and container may vary.
Please consider your delivery address and ensure that the correct details have been entered at checkout, as redeliveries will incur additional fees.
Please note:
1. Deliveries are not available on Sundays and other days as announced.
2. Order by 1.00pm for same day delivery.
3. Order after 1.00pm ring us to confirm same day or next available delivery day.
4. Orders generally delivered in the afternoon.
5. We do not promise delivery by a requested time.
** T&Cs apply for delivery suburbs.