"Butterfly" is a wonderful and enchanting champagne and white roses bouquet featuring green anthuriums.
A captivating floral arrangement inspired by the graceful flutter of a beautiful butterfly in the gentle breeze. This bouquet is a celebration of elegance and beauty, captured in a stunning combination of champagne and white roses.
Beautifully wrapped in multiple paper layers by our skilful florists, this gorgeous bouquet is a real stunner. If you are wanting to make an impression with someone special, this is the bouquet for you.
Flowers are subject to stock being available. If any of the flowers are not available, the florist will use a similar flower in the same shape, style and colour.
Please consider your delivery address and ensure that the correct details have been entered at checkout, as redeliveries will incur additional fees.
Please note:
1. Deliveries are not available on Sundays and other days as announced.
2. Order by 1.00pm for same day delivery.
3. Order after 1.00pm ring us to confirm same day or next available delivery day.
4. Orders generally delivered in the afternoon.
5. We do not promise delivery by a requested time.
** T&Cs apply for delivery suburbs.