lilies and roses arrangement
lilies and roses arrangement
lilies and roses arrangement
lilies and roses arrangement

Heavenly Garden

$95.00 Sale • Save

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Gorgeous "Heavenly Garden" Lilies and Roses Box Arrangement in a pink box. Where elegance meets nature's most beautiful blooms in a garden of floral delights in paradise.
Discover the celestial beauty of our "Heavenly Garden" Roses and Lilies Arrangement, reminiscent of a garden in paradise.
Featuring lilies, roses, carnations, chrysanthemums and lisianthus. Approximately 30cm high.
This gorgeous lilies and roses box arrangement floral creation is a blend of timeless roses and delicate lilies complimented with a feature chrysanthumums. Thoughtfully arranged in a beautiful box that exudes style and charm. A breathtaking expression of love, beauty, and thoughtfulness.
Whether you're celebrating a special occasion, sending your love and appreciation, or offering comfort and sympathy, "Heavenly Garden" is a gift that conveys your emotions with grace and style.
Flowers are subject to being available. If particular flowers are not available, the florist will use a similar flower in the same shape, style and colour.


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